Author: loisholzman

Here's a unique and exciting opportunity—Apply to be a Fulani Fellow! This fellowship will be a rigorous introduction to and immersion in the on-the-ground ?practice, methodology, and approach to human development employed in the programs of the All Stars Project. The fellowship is designed as an opportunity for young professionals to train...

Posted on, "I Can't Caucus For Bernie Because I'm an Independent"   My name is Catana L Barnes. I am an independent voter and the president of Independent Voters of Nevada, I would like to caucus for Bernie Sanders but the state of Nevada and the Democratic Party of Nevada require that...

Thanks to the dozens of people who created conversation with me the week of Februry 8-12 on my book-in-progress, The Overweight Brain. You can view the online running conversation—so thoughtful and playful—and view or listen to the live chat. Video recording of the webinar with Lois Holzman on The Overweight Brain: Audio...

Eric Maisel is conducting 100+ interviews on the future of mental health and posting them on his Psychology Today blog. Each week, he's summarizing them at Mad in America. Here's week 1's summary of The Future of Mental Health Interview Series And here's links to each interview Day 1: Bonnie Burstow on feminist psychotherapy and...

It’s time to change how we think about and relate to people whose makeup is or appears to be different from the norm. We now think of what’s different—let’s say a biological or neurological difference—as the main source of disability and difficulty, and we focus help and treatment on this....