We are becoming a book!

Yes! A selection of your letters and my responses to them are the centerpiece of the upcoming A Developmentalist’s Guide to Better Mental Health: Navigating Everyday Life Dilemmas.  I’ve grouped them thematically by topics such as Family Life, On the Job, What a World!, and It’s Just Me…” They are followed by reflections on them by many of the letter writers, and therapists, coaches and counselors. In other chapters, I outline features of development and a developmentalist’s practice, and locate the practice within the history of social therapeutics and the broader psychology and mental health arenas.

I’m excited about the book, especially since a few readers of the pre-publication manuscript gave rousing endorsements. And what they love about the book are the very things I was hoping for!  (“A provocative, joyful read;” “an invitation to transform;” “reimagining life’s challenges as opportunities for growth”).

My thanks to Routledge for its belief in, interest and support for this project. Their publication schedule is for a launch date in late Spring. I’ll keep you posted.

1 Comment
  • Gwen Lowenheim
    Posted at 17:44h, 07 January

    That is wonderful, Lois. I’m excited to read it and share with colleagues and students.

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