Catalyst 2030—A Global Vision for Wellbeing

Catalyst 2030—A Global Vision for Wellbeing

Earlier this year, I and the East Side Institute became official members of Catalyst 2030, a global movement of people and organizations committed to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) by 2030. To date, 1300 organizations and 1700 individuals,representing 197 countries are members.

It’s a privilege for us to be part of Catalyst’s Mental Health Collaboration whose members share a vision of a world where healthcare and community organizations incorporate mental wellbeing into practice models. I am especially pleased to be among the members profiled in CATALYST 2030: THE MENTAL HEALTH COLLABORATION. Take a few moments to meet some amazing people in this attractive pamphlet.

“No matter where and how they live, people want health, happiness, and hope. They want possibilities, not prescriptions. They want development, not diagnoses. They want to be connected, not constrained. They want opportunities, not fixed identities and labels. We help people actualize these wants.”

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