Knowledge as Play?

Knowledge as Play?

I want to tempt you to read this dialogic chapter written by me and Tomas Pernecky in his edited book, Postdisciplinary Knowledge. I thank Tomas for the fun we had and for the opportunity to contribute to the first book to articulate postdisciplinarity in philosophical, theoretical and methodological terms.

Here’s how we begin our chapter:

TOMAS: I suppose an appropriate way to begin this dialogue on knowledge-as-play is to invite you to play with me. I am interested in exchanging ideas about this topic because I see playfulness and creativity as something that is closely connected with knowledge. Do you want to play?

LOIS: What a lovely and challenging offer! Yes, I want to play! Knowing makes our brains heavy. Playing makes them lighter. Playing with knowing – what does that do? We cannot know, but we can play!

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And for more playful intellectual pondering, read Tomas’ “unintroduction to postdisciplinarity” chapter

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