Words to Ponder #37

Words to Ponder #37

Today’s words to ponder are taken from Fred Newman’s “Community as a Heart in a Havenless World.” He gave this talk 30 years ago, but it just as well could have been today.

“We have to learn how to build community by recognizing the extent to which, and precisely how, we are divided. We can never for a moment deny that there are very real differences in terms of where we come from. In fact we have to take those differences and the antagonisms that have been socialized into us and say, “We will control these, rather than these controlling us. We will take control of who we are, including how we have been made to hate each other.” That’s hard work.”


  • Sharron Montague Loree
    Posted at 02:13h, 08 August

    “Love everybody”, is a good goal.

  • Avatar photo
    Posted at 20:31h, 07 August

    Thanks, David.

  • Kawanuka David
    Posted at 20:24h, 07 August

    Taking control of who we are, comes after we have discovered who we are, what we are………and the result is BECOMING.

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