The End of Knowing???

The End of Knowing???

I’m super excited to be having a webinar conversation with one of my heroes—Sugata Mitra of The Hole in the Wall and TED Prize fame. At a time when the world’s knowledge is but a few clicks away, knowing is becoming obsolete. What, then, becomes of education? What are the possibilities this opens up for what it means to learn and to teach? Join me and Mitra as we explore common ground between his Self Organized Learning Environments and my Non-knowing Growing. Get in on the conversation on problems with the knowing paradigm and what works in education (and what doesn’t).

The webinar is Sunday June 23 noon-1:30 pm EDT.  Learn more and sign up here.

For a review of my thoughts on some of these matters, see my latest Psychology Today column, Embrace the Unknowable, No Matter How Grim.

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