New Appointment! Distinguished Visiting Fellow in Vygotskian Practice and Performance

New Appointment! Distinguished Visiting Fellow in Vygotskian Practice and Performance


Lloyd International Honors College

Julius I. Foust Building, Suite 205 Greensboro, NC 27412

May 15, 2018

Dear Dr. Holzman,

Congratulations! This letter is to confirm that you have been appointed Distinguished Visiting Fellow in Vygotskian Practice and Performance in Lloyd International Honors College at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro for a three-year term (2018-2021) starting on August 1, 2018.

This appointment is an honor and a delight! My sincere thanks to Dean Omar Ali, his faculty ‘s support and administration ‘s generosity. I’ve had the pleasure of working and playing with the UNC at Greensboro students and faculty and am eager to continue for the next three years!

1 Comment
  • Cathy Salit
    Posted at 23:07h, 31 May

    Congratulations Lois! How very exciting for the further growth of the Vygotskian practice and performance movement!

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