09 Feb An Exploration of Psychology’s Glorification of the Individual
Hello to my blog followers and fans of The Overweight Brain.
If you live in the NYC metro area I’d love for you to join me IN PERSON for a Revolutionary Conversation on psychology’s glorification of the individual—taking place the evenings of Monday March 1 and 8 at the East Side Institute (119 West 23rd Street in Manhattan).
Revolutionary Conversations is the name of the Institute’s educational offerings. Why? Because we believe that creating conversation is the best way to learn developmentally. I lead these a few times a year and, no matter the topic, what we—people of different ages, backgrounds, expertise, opinions and professions—create is always delightfully playful, philosophical and political.
Our title for the March 1 and 8 Revolutionary Conversation is “Busting the Myths: An Exploration of Psychology’s Glorification of the Individual.” I’m eager to share with people how psychology created itself as the study of individual. We’ll explore how—in the name of the individual—psychology has actually done great damage to individuals (think: the pathologizing of mental illness, the disparagement of groups, the endless assessing and evaluating of personality, behavior, intellect, and so on). But there’s more. It turns out that psychology’s claim to studying individuals is a hoax. If you’re intrigued, curious and/or provoked, and want to participate in such a conversation, please register by clicking the link HERE.
To see all the East Side Institute’s offerings for the first half of 2017, go to the Events page on the website by clicking HERE.
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