Palgrave Studies In Play, Performance, Learning, and Development

Palgrave Studies In Play, Performance, Learning, and Development

I’m proud to be series editor!

This series showcases research, theory and practice linking play and performance to learning and development across the life span. Bringing the concerns of play theorists and performance practitioners together with those of educational and developmental psychologists and counsellors coincides with the increasing professional and public recognition that changing times require a reconceptualization of what it means to develop, to learn and to teach. In particular, outside of school and informal learning, the arts, and creativity are coming to be understood as essential in order to address school failure and isolation. Drawing upon existing expertise within and across disciplinary and geographical borders and theoretical perspectives, the series features collaborative projects and theoretical crossovers in the work of theatre artists, youth workers and scholars in educational, developmental, clinical and community psychology, social work and medicine—providing real world evidence of play and theatrical-type performance as powerful catalysts for social-emotional-cognitive growth and successful learning.

Recently Published:
Lisa A. Kramer and Judy Freedman Fask
Creative Collaborations through Inclusive Theatre and Community Based Learning
Students in Transition

Peter Smagorinsky (Editor)
Creativity and Community among Autism-Spectrum Youth
Creating Positive Social Updrafts through Play and Performance

Featuring the Following Authors and Topics:

Toward a Social Understanding of Mental Health
Smagorinsky, Peter

Adaptation as Reciprocal Dynamic
Smagorinsky, Peter

Social Therapy and Family Play
LaCerva, Christine

Shakespeare and Autism: Reenvisioning Expression, Communication, and Inclusive Communities
Post, Robin

We Don’t Want to Fit in: A Reflection on the Revolutionary Inclusive Theater Practices of The Miracle Project and Actionplay for Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum
Feinstein, Aaron

The DisAbility Project: A Model for Autism-Specific Creativity and Civic Engagement Within the Broader Context of Difference
Lipkin, Joan (et al.)

Curious Incidents: Pretend Play, Presence, and Performance Pedagogies in Encounters with Autism
Shaughnessy, Nicola

The Collaborative Online Anime Community as Positive Social Updraft
Cook, Leslie S. (et al.)

Composing Poetry and a Writer’s Identity: Positive Social Updrafts in a Community of Writers
Dawson, Christine M.

An Autistic Life, Animated Through the World of Disney: A Loving Autoethnography
Smagorinsky, Peter


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