New Course: Viewing Social Therapeutics from Different Angles

New Course: Viewing Social Therapeutics from Different Angles


A Performatory, Practical-Critical Approach to
Human and Community Development and Learning
with Lois Holzman and Special Guests
February-May 2017

The Institute’s 14-week in-depth study of Fred Newman’s and my approach to developing people and communities will focus, in 2017, on its core concepts and their points of intersection and divergence with other perspectives. Joining me will be four leaders in education and psychology as guest faculty— colleagues whose own approaches give them unique positions from which to view social therapeutics. The curriculum includes a variety of source material on the history, methodology and politics of social therapeutics and how specific educational, cultural, therapeutic, and community-building projects have been informed by it and continue to advance it.

The course is primarily conversational, with participants learning from and with each other and the faculty. Making the most of online tools, we will create the course through written forums, real-time audio and video sessions, and pre-recorded podcasts. We welcome applicants from all disciplines and locations.

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