27 Feb Words to Ponder #17
Instead of thinking that you have to put pieces together that will add up to a whole,
I think you have to start with the premise that they’re already together
and you try to keep from destroying life by segmenting it, overorganizing it and dehumanizing it.
Myles Horton, founder of The Highlander School (now the Highlander Research and Education Center)
Lonny Meinecke
Posted at 15:29h, 27 FebruaryI love it! Thanks Lois! If we begin with the idea that existence is not a puzzle to solve, but an amazing gift in which we might, one day, see just how valuable each little piece of it already is, maybe we won’t arrange away that overwhelming sense of awe? Together we are a performance of every moment for an audience which is just the fading memory of our performing together. We are either giving all we have, or clapping with all we have on behalf of those that are. Horton says it better though!!
– Lonny