06 Feb Words to Ponder #16
If there is something you wish to know and by meditation you cannot find it,
my advice to you, my ingenious friend, is:
speak about it with the first acquaintance you encounter.
Heinrich von Kleist (1777-1811)
“On the Gradual Production of Thoughts Whilst Speaking”
Philip J. Malebranche
Posted at 16:41h, 09 FebruaryA songwriter, in our time, may have put it another way: “Love the one you’re with.”
Posted at 14:44h, 08 FebruaryThanks, Thomas. The similarity to Vygotsky is striking!
Thomas Sørensen
Posted at 14:20h, 07 FebruaryAlso in that text, we find a wonderfull dialectical repetition of Vygotsky (from Vygotsky’s past) – that thought is completed in speach. Kleist you could say, sees that thought is completed (ververtiget) in speach!! Also form a Hegelian perspective, we should note the relation of this to creativity (or even revolution); the lesson is that we only find ourselves to have been creative retrospectively, creativity, or even revolution, is something that will always surprise us.
Posted at 23:59h, 06 FebruaryLove that way of putting it, Lonny: “to meet a new thought”
Lonny Meinecke
Posted at 20:19h, 06 FebruaryAnother gem Lois – thank you. Often lately, I think that looking inside is a poor way to meet a new thought. So this is very nice to see.
— Lonny