I’m an Independent

I’m an Independent

Posted on independentvoting.org, “I Can’t Caucus For Bernie Because I’m an Independent”



My name is Catana L Barnes. I am an independent voter and the president of Independent Voters of Nevada, I would like to caucus for Bernie Sanders but the state of Nevada and the Democratic Party of Nevada require that I give up my independence to do so.

Call me an electoral conscientious objector. I believe partisan warfare is wrong. Continue reading

  • Avatar photo
    Posted at 13:55h, 20 February

    Much appreciated, Andrew. I’ll see that Catana get s this.

  • Andrew Tyson
    Posted at 06:56h, 20 February

    Hi Catana.
    I am not an American citizen, I am in fact an Australian; but I am deeply concerned with events in America – particularly the upcoming election and also policy decisions regarding wall street. I am very please to see Mr Saunders doing as well as he is; and heartily hope that he is ultimately successful at becoming America’s next President.
    I also wish to thank you for your efforts to both support change of the American voting system; which as an outsider seems to be in significant need of improvement; and in your efforts to promote change at the top of the system – the sort of person running for that elected position. I truly wish my own nation’s politicians had some options like Burnie; sadly they seem to be becoming much more like Donald Trump. Frightening!
    All the best. Andrew.

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