05 Jun Video of the Month—What’s Developing in a World in Crisis?
What’s Developing in a World in Crisis?
with Jackie Salit and Lois Holzman
Each month the East Side Institute chooses an audio or video recording from its storehouse of talks and workshops. Some are classics, going back to the 1990s and featuring Fred Newman’s annual lectures and plays. Others are from events of recent months. The rich and varied presentations touch on a range of topics, such as group collective creativity, meaning-making, performance and play, learning and development.
This month, the Institute is featuring one of my favorites—What’s Developing in a World In Crisis?—a June 2014 forum with me and Jackie Salit that features videotaped interviews with nine colleagues in eight countries about the challenges of bringing about social transformation in their countries. Jackie is a great conversationalist and it’s a privilege to share our conversation and the work of some wonderfully thoughtful, dedicated and creative people with you.
To view, click here.
You can send your comments, thoughts, inspiration and questions to me. They’ll help shape future conversations and events.
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