The How of Playing (Japanese Style)

The How of Playing (Japanese Style)

I’vIMG_2615e been in Japan since Thursday November 6 and I’m half way thorugh my trip. I’ll be sharing a more comprehensive report once I return home.

I was privileged to present a keynote adress to the Japanese Association for Educational Psychology conference in Kobe on Friday. I titled it The How of Playing: Implications for Educationsal Psychology. I was invited by Professor Masayoshi Morioka of Kobe University. He was a participant in a days-long course I led in Tokyo in 2012 and invited me on the spot on the last day of that course.

On Saturday I led a workshop on Play and Performance for about 40 faculty and graduate students, organized by my good friend Professor Yuji Moro. His translation of my book, Vygotsky at Work and Play, was published in Japan about one month ago. At both the conference and the workshop, I kept meeting people who said they’d read the book either on their own or in one of the study groups formed to read and discuss it. This is so gratifying!

The eagerness for building performance-based, developmental community in Japan is growing!!

Here are some photos:
At keynoteKobeworkshop


  • Carolyn Kresky
    Posted at 16:02h, 13 November

    congratulations. It’s great to hear about your work and your travels.

  • Melissa Meyer
    Posted at 18:20h, 10 November

    Thanks for the photos, Lois! How exciting that people are reading Vygotsky at Work and Play in Japanese now! I hope to meet some of them in 2015 in New York maybe.

  • Paola Lopez
    Posted at 16:44h, 10 November

    So exciting! Congratulations Lois :o)

  • Dan Friedman
    Posted at 13:16h, 10 November


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