What’s A Problem and How Do Make It Vanish?

What’s A Problem and How Do Make It Vanish?



I’m excited to be leading a Revolutionary Conversation sponsored by the Institute this fall—the subject of which is Ludwig Wittgenstein and his views on language, logic, learning and looking. Wittgenstein was a unique, eccentric and brilliant 20th century philosopher who took apart nearly every concept that underlies how psychology, education and medicine are done today—and put just a few of them back together. Wittgenstein’s method is an integral part of all of the work I do. His writings are hard, but fun! They’re great tools that help us examine, question and play with our assumptions and our language—activities that are essential to our and our communities’ development.

The Conversation will take place in person October 22 and 29 at the Institute, and online November 14 — December 15. If you are interested in joining or know someone who is, you can register here





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