Just Released—Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology

Just Released—Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology



Congratulations to Thomas Teo on the release of the Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology, for which he served as editor. The massive (2400 pages) anthology published by Springer Reference is “the first reference work in English that comprehensively looks at psychological topics from critical as well as international points of view.” Teo, who is a professor at Toronto’s York University and internationally respected for his work in the history and philosophy of psychology, invited critical psychologists— from humanists to postmodernists, from Marxists and feminists to post-colonialists—to write the 1000 entries that appear in the Encyclopedia. I was pleased to be among the contributors, with entries for Social Therapy, The Zone of Emotional Development, Postmodern Marxism, and Performative Psychology. (I can’t share the actual entries as they appear in the book, but I can let you read earlier drafts.)

Critical psychology is rarely taught in the US. Unfortunately, the exorbitant cost of the Encyclopedia means that it’s likely to remain out of reach of psychology students for quite awhile.

  • Avatar photo
    Posted at 15:43h, 16 March

    I suggest you request your university library to purchase it.

  • Lonny Meinecke
    Posted at 15:05h, 15 March

    Thank you for sharing this – have seen the topic mentioned and feel curious to explore it (especially inclusion of historically eastern perspectives). Maybe our university library will pick it up?

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