New Book Series!

New Book Series!

I’m excited to share a new project of mine. I’m series editor for a new collection of books for Palgrave Macmillan on the topic of Play, Performance, Learning and Development. Over the next three years (and maybe beyond) researchers and practitioners will have a multi-disciplinary “home” to publish their work and inspire colleagues, students and others.


Palgrave Studies In Play, Performance, Learning, and Development

Palgrave Studies In Play, Performance, Learning, and Development provides a needed home for cross- disciplinary scholarship linking play and performance to learning and development across the life span, thus educating a new generation of researchers and educators about the promise of play and performance as powerful catalysts for social-emotional-cognitive growth and successful learning.

Series Editor: Lois Holzman, Ph.D. is co-founder and director of the East Side Institute for Group and Short Term Psychotherapy and co-founder of the biannual Performing the World conferences. A developmental psychologist internationally recognized as a pioneer of a cultural-performatory approach to human development and learning, she builds on the work of Lev Vygotsky, who advanced the understanding of learning in early childhood as social, cultural, improvisational and playful. Holzman’s books include Lev Vygotsky: Revolutionary Scientist (with Fred Newman), Vygotsky at Work and Play; Schools for Growth: Radical Alternatives to Current Educational Models; and Performing Psychology: A Postmodern Culture of the Mind. She is a commentator on Psychology Today (“A Conceptual Revolution”) and of the blog, “A Psychology of Becoming.”

Advisory Board:

Patch Adams, Founder, Gesundheit Institute, USA
Natalia Gajdamaschko, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Kenneth Gergen, Professor, Swarthmore College, USA and Tilburg University, the Netherlands                Artin Gonçu, Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
James Johnson, Professor, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Fernanda Liberali, Professor, Pontific Catholic University of São Paulo, Brazil
Yuji Moro, Professor, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Alex Sutherland, Professor, Rhodes University, South Africa
Jill Vialet, Founder and CEO, Playworks, USA

To submit a proposal or for more information please contact: Lois Holzman at

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    Posted at 14:28h, 10 March

    Thank you! So far, 4 books are in the very early stages of being developed. I will keep everyone posted.

  • Carolyn Kresky
    Posted at 13:49h, 07 March

    Congratulations! This is very exciting.

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