What if client and mental health provider co-created a diagnosis?

What if client and mental health provider co-created a diagnosis?

March 17, 2012

A big thank you to Dr. Eric Maisel for having me as a guest blogger at his Rethinking Psychology column at Psychology Today. Check out the 3/16/12 post, asking “What if client and mental health provider co-created a diagnosis?”And become a regular reader of Rethinking Psychology.

  • loisholzman
    Posted at 17:46h, 04 June

    Thanks for your comment, Philip. If clients and therapist decide together to create a diagnosos then I believe they should do it.
    The recommendation here is certainly not that such a practice become institutionalized, but rather democratized.

  • Philip
    Posted at 03:36h, 03 June

    Well, I can tell you one thing; the honchos rewriting the DSM for the fifth time are going to be none to pleased!!!!

    I think its an interesting idea. But, it seems that this would create certain stressors on the boundary between practitioner and client. The client is busy enough trying to work through whatever it is s/he is dealing with. The therapist is busy helping them with this, meanwhile they are both trying to create their own axis of sorts. Hmmm? Wouldn’t this be similar but only a slightly different tact than brief solutions therapy? Why delve for the creation of a diagnosis when a solution to the difficulty cut right passed it? Lots to play with here.

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