Imaginative Play and Computer Technology: Friends or Foes?

Imaginative Play and Computer Technology: Friends or Foes?

January 20, 2011

Here’s another blog I recommend: Jim’s Tech Class. The Online Home of Collaboration 3.0. Jim is Jaime (Jim) Martinez, PhD in Urban Education, former corporate computer techie and computer public school teacher, an innovator who understands how kids learn. I like his blog for his commentary on educational policy concerning technology. Here’s an except from a recent post on Imaginative Play and  Computer Technology:

The Movement to Restore Children’s Play Gains Momentum, that’s the headline of the Online New York Times article that I read this morning. That’s great news! As someone who has spent the last 15 years working to create playful learning environments with leaders in improvisational play and performance I find the news very gratifying. As I read the article I detected an underlying concern that sounds like the following: children and adults spend too much time in front of computer screens and perhaps, this comes at the expense of time for imaginative play. If we look at computing devices as appliances that can only be used to produce particular results or outcomes, then yes, I share that concern. However, I don’t happen to see things that way.

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