The Community Therapist

The Community Therapist

November 2, 2010

Here’s a blog I highly recommend—The Community Therapist. It’s written by Christine LaCerva, director of the Social Therapy Group and of the Institute’s Therapist Training. Her latest entry reports on a conversation she had recently with Anthony Rao, author of The Way of Boys: Raising Healthy Boys in a Challenging and Complex Worldan event I had the privilege of moderating. The topic was working with children and families in an age of psychotropic medication. Anthony and Christine are creative and playful therapists (and people) and the conversation was an informative delight.

You can get a glimpse of how Christine works, as she provides an excerpt from a transcript of a multi-family group session with children, ages 8-12, and their parents. Here’s Christine on her approach: “You’ll see that we don’t relate to children as problems to be solved but as active participants in figuring out how to relate to their diagnoses, their emotional pain, their lives, their parents and (hint: this next part is the key) to each other I’ll call this particular session “The Hamburger Syndrome.” You’ll see why.”

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