Psychologist or Artist?

Psychologist or Artist?

October 31, 2010

“My parents had 3 children. My older brother became an artist. My younger brother became actor, director and theater producer. I became a psychologist.  Maybe, that is why I am so invested in understanding psychology as an artistic creation. It is very important for me to build a creative, poetic and artistic psychology. My challenge is to use this art as a way for political and historical transformation.”

This is Murilo Moscheta speaking. He is a young Brazilian psychologist who I had  the plasure of working with when he was a student in the Institute’s International Class last year. Murilo returned to Brazil and is currently seeking ways to construct a meaningful, developmental practice. The above excerpt is from a speech he gave to psychology students in Brazil this past summer. I recommend reading his talk, psychologist or artist, which speaks to psychologists-to be in any country.

  • Avatar photo
    Posted at 13:12h, 03 November

    Actually, that’s a quote from Murilo! My siblings weren’t artists (although my brother grew up to be one)
    But thanks for your comment and for enjoying the blog!

  • margi brown ash
    Posted at 11:13h, 03 November

    lois when i read your quote at the top of this entry, i was intrigued. just as you had siblings around you who were artists, i had siblings around me who were psychologists. you became the psychologist, i became the artist. we are indeed socially constructed, thank you for rich blog. i am enjoying it.

    margi brown ash

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