New Vygotsky Documentary Features Cole, Kravtsova, Vygodskaya, Wertsch (and Holzman)

New Vygotsky Documentary Features Cole, Kravtsova, Vygodskaya, Wertsch (and Holzman)

1vygotsky_dvdcvrFebruary 15, 2009

I am happy to report that a new documentary film, Lev Vygotsky: One Man’s Legacy through his Life and Theory, is being released this month. The filmmaker is Valerie Lowe who, in addition to making films, is an adult educator, corporate consultant and staff trainer in British Columbia — and a completely lovely person. I got to know Val when she was just beginning this project a few years ago and have been following its development. 

I also got  pre-release glimpses of the film this past fall when Val showed segments at the ISCAR (International Society for Cultural Activity Research) conference in San Diego and the Performing the World 2008 (PTW’08) conference in New York City. The film uniquely combines the political-cultural history of Vygotsky’s life with illustrations of contemporary Vygotskian practices in several countries, and is comprised of interviews with Vygotsky family members Gita L. Vygodskaya and Elena Kravtzova, photographs, archival footage, and commentaries by contemporary Vygotksian scholars, Michael Cole, Lois Holzman, Vera John-Steiner, Alex Kozulin, Tamara Lifanova, Luciano Mecacci, and James Wertsch. You can view sections of the film at the website media page. (You can see about 5 seconds of me in one of them.)

It was a  privilege to have been included in “Lev Vygotsky” and, even more, to have been able to introduce Val and viewers to the some extraordinary Vygotskian practitioners.

Some colleagues and I are now planning a New York premiere of the film to take place in March or April. Watch for the announcement!

  • Robyn Stratton-Berkessel
    Posted at 21:01h, 13 March

    Hi Lois,
    Thank you for responding to my “Play is Vital” post on I want to learn more about Vygodsky’s work and Activity Theory. I have been introduced to it through my Appreciative Inquiry. Are you aware we have a colleague in common: John Findlay – a great fan of Vygodsky – as you would know. I am a Zing owner/trainer and created a Title, Positive Matrix, which is Appreciative Inquiry on Zing. Love to catch up with you.

  • RadmilaZ
    Posted at 17:50h, 07 March

    Till this video, Vygotsky was somehow untouchable, dreamlike and very passionate, maybe mystical a little. With this research and documentary and a short clips that I have watched I can somehow grasp his greatness and influence. It is a definitely global influence, and I think that the “new society” that Lois mentioned it, in this moment is starting to become aware of the need to act in order to change. I hope that you had a inspiring evening with the Vigotsky documentary.

  • Avatar photo
    Posted at 13:54h, 19 February

    From the bits of the film I did see, the mix of past history and contemporary practical developments was fascinating. I’m planning a New York showing sponsored by the East Side Institute and one or more universities.

  • Joyce Dattner
    Posted at 21:42h, 18 February

    Although short clips….compelling to hear you, Gita Vygodskaya and others speak to historical context in which Vygotsky lived and worked. Look forward to seeing complete documentary,
    Joyce Dattner

  • Chris Helm
    Posted at 15:49h, 16 February

    I’m glad that there is a new vehicle for introducing this remarkable theorist to the world. I am especially glad that Lowe has included contemporary practitioners who are not only applying his thinking but developing it. The “search for method” is an ongoing activity! Will you be showing the film at the East Side Institute?

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