Innovative Tools for Creative Leadership, Social Entrepreneurship and Performance Activism
A Half-Day Workshop with Lois Holzman & Faculty
Saturday March 23, Noon – 3:30 p.m.
East Side Institute, 119 West 23 Street, Fl. 9, Ste. 902 (betw. 6 & 7 Aves.)
Registration: $75; Student/Retired/Low Income: $50
Click here to register
If you are in the business of making discoveries about creative social change and are searching for new tools, methods, conceptions and approaches to move things forward, we invite you to join Lois and Institute faculty in this 3-hour workshop. See how these discoveries can work for you, your teams and your projects. Some topics to be explored are creating independent funding sources, inspiring active participation and building without an ideology.
Free Webinar on The Overweight Brain with Holzman, Bullock, Cortes, Sokolow
Sunday, March 24, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. Eastern US
Registration: Free
Click here to register
A free webinar featuring author and Institute co-founder Lois Holzman, joined by special guest discussants and Overweight Brain champions: Jennifer Bullock, Miguel Cortes & Richard Sokolow. We’re obsessed with knowing. Judged for how much we know. Plagued by what we don’t. But history has moved on, and the knowing paradigm has become obsolete — stifling creativity and development. Join a lively conversation to explore Holzman’s radical departure — a new “form of life” — that uses all we are (and all we know) to make a better world.
The Magic of Language: An Online Revolutionary Conversation led by Lois Holzman
Friday May 3 – Monday June 3*
*Participants are in different time zones and read/post messages on their own schedule.
Registration: $135; Student/Retired: $75
How we understand what language is matters! It shapes our perceptions and actions, and impacts on how we do relationships, how we feel, learn, understand and relate to local and global politics, economics and culture . It shapes how we are and how we might become. Join developmental psychologist, linguist and Institute co-founder Lois Holzman for some practical-philosophical play with language and understandings of language. Together discover the magic of being and becoming a “languager.”
June 2018 – June 2019
International Class 2018/19 Program – Residency #3 (FINAL): A 10-Month Residency & Online Program
Thursday, June 6-Saturday, June 15, 2019
Graduation: June 15, 5:30pm
(with Cathy Salit) Let’s Perform Our Lives (engaging the dialectics of development) and Upside Down Conversations (and other ways to challenge truth and create possibilities in business)
The 25th Anniversary Silver Jubilee & Conference—25 Years of Social Construction Practice Around the World, Cancun Mexico
Performance and Play for Activism and Development
Southwestern University, Georgetown TX
Performing the World 2018: Let’s Develop! NYC
Residency—The International Class, East Side Institute, NYC
Let’s Perform a New Campus Life 2018 Distinguished Speaker
Georgia State University, College of Education and Human Development, Atlanta GA
How Play and Performance Builds Communities and Creates a Better World
University of West Georgia, Carrollton GA
Residency—The International Class, East Side Institute, NYC
Performing Research Workshop, Executive Leadership Doctoral Program
Graduate School of Education and Human Development, George Washington University, Ashburn VA
Research-Activism as Tool-and-Result Invited Symposium Being/Becoming an Activist Scholar: Lessons from Cultural Historical Activity Theory
American Educational Research Association, NYC
What Does It Take to be Culturally Relevant?, Keynote Address
Applied Linguistic Winter Conference/NYSTESOL, NYC
Mad in America: Where Can We Go From Here? Online course with Robert Whitaker
Socio-cultural research doctoral student seminar, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH
The Revolution Must Be Performed, Keynote Address
Fifth International Congress:Consciencia: Ciencia y Espiritualidad, Puebla Mexico
Conference Presentation—How Improvisation Can Make You a Better Teacher and Your Students Better Learners, Art Ed Now Conference
(online) https://www.theartofed.com/products/event/winter-2018-art-ed-now-conference/
Residency—The International Class, East Side Institute, NYC
Online Revolutionary Conversation—Tool and Result Methodology: The History of an Emerging Social Practice
Creating Communities of Hope, University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso TX
Playing with Identity, Diploma Program of Tira Paro! Juarez Mexico
Residency—The International Class, East Side Institute, NYC