Chapters and Articles

Published Chapters

Some Recent, Some Resurrected

Holzman, L. (2021) The End of Knowing as Critical Praxis (Practical-Critical Activity). In Robert K. Beshara (Ed.), Critical Psychology Praxis: Psychosocial Non-Alignment to Modernity/Coloniality 1st Edition. Routledge.


Holzman, L. (2020). Constructing Social Therapeutics. In S. McNamee, M.Gergen, C. Camargo Borges and E. Rasera (Eds.), The SAGE handbook on social constructionist practice. Newbury Park CA: Sage.


Pernecky, T. and Holzman, L. (2020). Knowledge as play: Centering on what matters. In T. Pernecky (Ed.), Postdisciplinary knowledge. Oxford UK and New York: Routledge.


Holzman, L and Salit, C. (2020). Why be half-human? How play, performance and practical philosophy make us whole. In Social construction in action. Taos Worldshare:Taos Institute.


Holzman, L. (2019). Vygotsky on the margins. In A. T. Neto, F. Liberali and M. Dafermos (Eds.), Revisiting Vygotsky for Social Change: Bringing Together Theory and Practice. New York: Peter Lang.


Holzman, L. (2018). Zones of proximal development: Mundane and magical. Chapter to appear in J. P. Lantolf, M. E. Poehner & M. Swain (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Development (Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics)


Holzman, L. (2015). Relating to people as revolutionaries. Chapter to appear in D. Loewentahl, Critical psychotherapy, psychoanalysis and counselling: Implications for practice. Palgrave Macmillan.


Friedman, D. and Holzman, L. (2014). Performing the World: The performance turn in social activism [pp. 276-287]. In A. Citron, S Aronson-Lehavi and D. Zerbib (Eds.), Performance stuidies in motion: International perspectives and practices in the twenty-first century. B;oomsbury: London & New York.


Holzman, L. (2013). The development community and its activist psychology. In R. House, D. Kalisch and J. Maidman (Eds.) Humanistic psychology: current trends and future prospects [pp. 87-101]. London and New York: Routledge.


Holzman, L. and Newman, F. (2012). Activity and Performance (and their Discourses) in Social Therapeutic Method. In T. Strong and A. Lock (Eds.),  Discursive Perspectives in Therapeutic Practice . [pp. 184-195]. London: Oxford University Press.


Holzman, L. (2010). Without Creating ZPDs There is No Creativity. In Vygotsky and Creativity: A Cultural-historical  Approach to Play, Meaning Making, and the Arts, edited by Cathrene Connery, Vera John-Steiner and Ana Marjanovic-Shane. Peter Lang Publishers.


Holzman, L. (2008). Creating Stages for Development: A learning community with many tasks and no goal. In A. Sumaras, A. Freese, C. Kosnick and C. Beck (Eds.), Learning communities in practice. NY: Springer.


Holzman, L. (2006).  Lev Vygotsky and the New Performative Psychology: Implications for Business and Organizations In D.M. Hosking and S. McNamee (Eds.), The social construction of organization.  Oslo: Liber.


Holzman L. (2005). Performing a Life (Story). In G. Yancy and S. Hadley (Eds.), Narrative identities: Psychologists engaged in self-construction. [pp. 96-111] London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.


Holzman, L. and Newman, F. (2004).  PowerAuthorityandPointlessActivity. In T. Strong and D. Paré (Eds.), Furthering talk: Advances in the discursive therapies. [pp. 73-86]. Kluwer Academic/Plenum.


Holzman, L. and Morss, J.  (2000). A Decade of Postmodern Psychology.  In L. Holzman and J. Morss (Eds.), Postmodern psychologies, societal practice and political life. [pp. 3-14]. New York: Routledge.

Published Articles

Some Recent, Some Resurrected

Holzman, L. (2019). Musings on ecological validity (with a little help from my friends). Mind, Culture, and Activity, 1-5.


Holzman, L., & Genn, E. (2018). Diagnosis: A Thousand People Speak OutJournal of Humanistic Psychology, 0022167818791852


Holzman, L. (2016). We Move, We Play, We BecomeWe Move, Issue 1, 2016/2017.


Holzman, L., Morioka, M. & Toma, C. (2015). Let’s Perform, Learn and Develop! Annual Report of Educational Psychology in Japan. Vol. 15, 145-152.


Holzman, L. (2014). Practicing method: Social therapy as practical-critical psychology Marxism and Psychotherapy, a special issue of Psychotherapy & Politics International.


Holzman, L. (2013). Vygotskian-izing psychotherapy. Mind, Culture and Activity.


Holzman, L. (2013). Critical psychology, philosophy and social therapyHuman Studies, 36, 4, 471-489.


Holzman, L. (2013). The Methodology of Social Therapy: Marx and VygotskyJapanese Qualitative Psychology Forum, 4.


Holzman, L. (2011). How Much of a Loss is the Loss of Self? Undersanding Vygotsky from a Social Therapeutic Perspective and Vice VersaNew Ideas in Psychology 29, 98–105.


Holzman, L. (2006).Activating Postmodernism. Theory & Psychology, 16(1), 109-123.


Holzman L. (2005). Performing a Life (Story). In G. Yancy and S. Hadley (Eds.), Narrative identities: Psychologists engaged in self-construction. [pp. 96-111] London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.


Newman, F. and Holzman, L. (2003).All Power to the DevelopingAnnual Review of Critical Psychology, 3, 8-23.


Holzman, L. (1990).  Lev and let Lev: An interview on the life and works of Lev VygotskyPractice, The Magazine of Psychology and Political Economy, 7, 3, 11-23.


[Holzman] Hood, L. (1982).  The Politics of AutismTopics in Language Disorders, December, pp. 64-71.