The Developmentalist advice column is becoming a book!

At the centerpiece of A Developmentalist’s Guide to Better Mental Health: Navigating Everyday Life Dilemmas (Routledge, summer 2025) are readers’ letters to Lois Holzman (“The Developmentalist’) asking for help with the “no-way-out” scenarios of our lives. Practical and philosophical in her responses, Lois invites general readers and practitioners to explore a developmentalist’s practice that they can make their own. “…a powerful, social therapeutic invitation to transform everything!” “…embraces life’s challenges as opportunities for social–emotional growth.”

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The latest articles, events, etc from Lois Holzman

  • I just learned about Gianni Rodari, a children’s writer and Communist almost unknown in the US. I love this description from a New York Times ar

  • We are becoming a book! Yes! A selection of your letters and my responses to them are the centerpiece of the upcoming A Developmentalist’s Guide to Be

Get In Touch

Lois Holzman is a cofounder with Fred Newman of the East Side Institute for Group and Short Term Psychotherapy and the Institute’s current director. She is a leading proponent of cultural approaches to learning, development and psychotherapy.

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